
Our State of the Art Glaucoma Clinic offers quality care to the patients. Starting from Basic Glaucoma Investigations like Applanation Tonometry and Gonioscopy to a wide range of modern glaucoma diagnostic instruments like Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer, OCT with Optic Nerve Head Analysis and RNFL mapping are at service for the patients. Facilities like Ultrasound Biomicroscopy and Anterior Segment OCT are also available for diagnosing atypical cases. Procedures like YAG Laser iridotomy and Filtering Surgeries are also routinely performed.
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases with multi-factorial etiology. There is progressive loss of retinal cells leading to weakness of optic nerve. More than 90% of glaucoma cases in our country remain undiagnosed. Nearly half of glaucoma cases are associated with raised pressure of the eye. The exact mechanism of glaucoma is yet to be fully understood. The most effective treatment of this disease is keeping the eye pressure under control.
There are broadly two varieties of Glaucoma, - open angle and closed or narrow angle.
Open angle type progresses silently and can be diagnosed by eye care professionals only during routine eye examination.
Narrow angle type can give symptoms like headache, seeing rainbow halos usually in the evening. Sometimes acute attack of glaucoma may lead to severe pain in the eyes, blurring of vision and even vomiting.
Glaucoma can be classified as primary and secondary. Primary glaucomas (open as well as closed types) usually run in families. Secondary glaucoma is often caused by prolonged use of steroid in any form (drop/ointment/tablets etc.), injuries, over maturity of cataract. Sometimes people use steroid drops in eyes for years without medical supervision to get relief from allergies. This practice can produce cataract as well.
Glaucoma is diagnosed by a combination of clinical examination and some basic investigations as follows.
  1. Tonometry to measure intra-ocular pressure (IOP)
  2. Analysis of Field of Vision
  3. Assessment of central corneal thickness
  4. Assessment of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer (RNFL) thickness - optional
Optic nerve damage caused by Glaucoma cannot be reversed, whatever vision is lost cannot be restored. The aim of treatment is preserving whatever vision is still retained. Regular follow up and use of anti-glaucoma medication can preserve vision in majority of cases. If pressure is not adequately controlled by medicine or patient cannot use medications as prescribed due to various reasons doctor may decide to go for pressure lowering surgeries, most commonly Trabeculectomy. Treatment for glaucoma continues lifelong and regular follow up is as important as using drops.
Anybody above 35 years of age should get yearly eye check up irrespective of symptoms. All siblings of a glaucoma patient are encouraged to get their eye checked up and tell the doctor about the family history. Individuals with Diabetes should actively seek care. Compliance to therapy determines success of treatment.
If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 03224286357